What can we help you find?
Glaut and AI-moderated interviews (AIMI)
Welcome to Glaut! Get started faster by learning some basics
- What is Glaut?
- What is an AIMI (AI-moderated interview)?
- How does AI-moderation work?
- How is Glaut different from traditional research methods?
- What sets Glaut apart from other AI moderator tools?
Insights and Analysis
Have questions about data analysis? Find the answers here
- How does the analysis work?
- What output does Glaut provide?
Real-world applications of Glaut
Find out how Glaut is helping organizations solve real-world challenges with powerful insights
- How can Glaut be used for ad tests?
- Can Glaut help with idea testing?
- What is a qualitative tracker, and how does Glaut support it?
- How does Glaut support employee engagement initiatives?
- Can Glaut collect event feedback?
You want to know more about our Customer Success stories? Check it out here.
Using Glaut (product stuff)
Learn how Glaut works and the power of Glaut’s integrations and platform
- Which languages can Glaut support?
- How and when to use Glaut with another quant survey?
- How and when to use Glaut natively?
- What is Glaut's standard duration?
- Do Glaut work with incentive-based respondents?
Legal issues and review of AI guidance for data usage
- How does Glaut protect my data?
- Is the AI trained on my answers?
- What is the role of Glaut in terms of Data Privacy?
- Does Glaut collect PII (”Personally Identifiable Information”) data from respondents?
- How does Glaut address data processing transparency for respondents?
- How does Glaut ensure compliance with GDPR, CCPA, and other data protection regulations?
- How do you handle data deletion requests from users or organizations?
- Who can access customers data on Glaut?
- Where is the data stored and processed?
- Do you have EU servers for EU customers and US servers for other customers?
Provisioning and controls for AI models
- Which AI models is Glaut using? Why?
- Does Glaut train the software with respondents’ data?
- Does Glaut validate the quality and accuracy of the AI system’s data sources and output?
- Internally, how do you control access to data or resources, manage privileged access, manage secrets and provision, and deprovision access.
- What security protocols do you follow to protect data in transit and at rest?
- Do you have ISO or SOC certification?
**We are constantly updating our FAQ section.
If we haven't answered all your questions: talk to us here** 🙂